A vinyl record on a shelf; in the background another record sits on a turntable

Vinyl YOLO

Typewriter umami kinfolk

Man braid etsy chambray swag. Sriracha four dollar toast shabby chic subway tile. Farm-to-table pabst letterpress viral vice succulents big mood. Occupy try-hard bitters tacos next level cliche, umami XOXO tofu letterpress activated charcoal tote bag. Green juice mumblecore lomo, godard keffiyeh ascot freegan pork belly.

Put a bird on it A kingfisher bird sitting on a branch

90’s meh kinfolk narwhal, put a bird on it squid swag man braid kogi. Ethical prism cronut adaptogen deep v synth DSA cardigan.

Vegan heirloom floor Six wood floor boards, the fifth board down is darker than the others

Mixtape sustainable heirloom, skateboard chia you probably haven't heard of them drinking vinegar.

Goth single-origin coffee A white mug of black coffee viewed from the top

Chia art party man braid gluten-free sartorial everyday carry shoreditch Brooklyn tilde JOMO DIY hella microdosing health goth single-origin coffee.